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Grade 1 - 3

699 records found. Displaying 151 - 160.

Elena's Story

Elena lives near a small town in western Guatemala. She lives there with her mother, her younger brother, Luis, and her baby sister, Ana. Her father is far away, working on a plantation.… More →

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Language Arts

Everybody's Tree

Over the course of eighty years a spruce tree grows, along with the little boy who first selected it at a tree farm. As the tree grows from sapling to magnificent evergreen, the child matures More →

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Ferry Tail

Walter the ferry dog loved to greet cars as they came on board each morning. Fetching the captain's newspaper and tasting the cook's bacon were Walter's other important jobs. Cupcake the Cat… More →

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"I dreamed again of Fibblestax, sitting among his books, Peering into the candlelight with a calm, thoughtful look. For he's the one who gives a name to every single thing. If not for him we… More →

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Finnegan and Fox: The Ten-Foot Cop

Finnegan is a horse. But he is not just any horse. Finnegan is a proud member of the New York City Police Department. He and his human partner, Officer T. J. Fox, are part of the NYPD Mounted More →

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