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Grade 1 - 3

699 records found. Displaying 261 - 270.

Language Arts

K is for Kindergarten

Here comes kindergarten! Whether your little reader is gearing up for the first day or making her way through the school year, K is for Kindergarten will help guide them with silly rhymes and More →

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Language Arts · Social Studies

La Mariachi

Tuchi longs to join in and play with the school's mariachi band, but it's the 1970s and in her community, mariachi is only for the boys. Still she hopes--and wishes on SeÅ„ora Luna. When Tuchi More →

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Lazy Days of Summer

From earliest times, the concept of "play" has been part of the human experience. And while some pastimes have gone in and out of favor over the years, some never change or lack for… More →

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Language Arts

Legend of Sea Glass

Long, long ago there was a time when men did not venture into the deep ocean waters. It was believed that the world was flat and to sail beyond the horizon meant falling off the edge of the… More →

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Language Arts

Leopold the Lion

When Jack and Ella come across a friendly--and talented!--lion in their backyard they are thrilled to take him in as their pet. And they're positive they know just how to care for their new… More →

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