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Language Arts

Legend of Sea Glass

Long, long ago there was a time when men did not venture into the deep ocean waters. It was believed that the world was flat and to sail beyond the horizon meant falling off the edge of the… More →

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S is for Sea Glass: A Beach Alphabet

The tickle of sand on the bottom of bare feet... the taste of salt from a spray of water... the rumble-roar as waves come ashore. These are just a few of the many sensory experiences a day at More →

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The Orange Shoes

Delly Porter has a happy life. She needs new shoes, but doesn't really mind because she loves the soft, silky feel of the dirt road beneath her bare feet. She's a good artist, too, even if… More →

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Welcome to America, Champ

During World War II thousands of American servicemen were stationed overseas in various countries. It is in England that American GI Jack Ricker meets and marries an English widow with a… More →

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Westward Journeys

Westward Journeys contains three stories focusing on the American westward expansion, including the Oregon Trail and the Oklahoma Land Run. In Minnow and Rose, Rose and her family are… More →

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