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Grade 1 - 3

699 records found. Displaying 571 - 580.


The Michigan Counting Book

Students who have learned their ABC's will now have even more fun learning to count with this delightful addition to their library. Michigan flora and fauna take a starring role in this new… More →

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The Michigan Reader

Harking back to the turn of the last century, this early reader is sure to charm students, teachers, and parents alike. In a compact format, The Michigan Reader features poems, short stories, More →

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The Missouri Reader

Our Readers (also known as "primers") are modeled after the popular nineteenth-century McGuffey Readers, which were used to teach life lessons and reading skills to young children. Judy… More →

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The New Jersey Reader

Our Readers (also known as "primers") are modeled after the popular nineteenth-century McGuffey Readers, which were used to teach life lessons and reading skills to young children. Using… More →

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The New York Reader

Our Readers (also known as primers) are patterned after the popular nineteenth century McGuffey Readers which were used to teach life lessons and reading skills to young children. From the… More →

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The Night Henry Ford Met Santa

Could Henry Ford have taken his idea for an automobile assembly line from the elves at the North Pole? Maybe so. Set just before Christmas in 1908, this charming tale finds Henry Ford… More →

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