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Language Arts

473 records found. Displaying 251 - 260.

M is for Maple Syrup: A Vermont Alphabet

In New England Vermonters will be welcoming its state alphabet book, titled M is for Maple Syrup. With colorful pages that focus the spotlight on the flora and fauna specific to Vermont (and… More →

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M is for Masterpiece: An Art Alphabet

With so many colors to choose from, why did Henri Matisse use only three? How can an artist make a three-dimensional picture on a flat sheet of paper? Why is some Aboriginal art described as… More →

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M is for Melody: A Music Alphabet

From the oom pah pah of the brass section to the tickle and tease of the keyboard ivories, "M is for Melody" gives a music lesson in alphabet form. Instruments, composers, terms, and even… More →

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M is for Meow: A Cat Alphabet

From saber-toothed to tabby, cats have had a prominent place in human history, society, and hearts. Now cat lovers of all ages can discover what's lurking behind kitty's twitching tail and… More →

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M is for Mitten: A Michigan Alphabet

Where was the first mile of highway paved? Who was the 38th President of the United States? What is the nation's most remote National Park? What was the first bottled soda pop in this… More →

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M is for Mom: A Child's Alphabet

The love between a mother and her child is precious and everlasting. No two relationships are the same, yet there are shared experiences and memories to which every mother can relate. From… More →

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M is for Money: An Economics Alphabet

This alphabet book brings the topic of economics down to a child's level, using tangible examples and scenarios to explain complex ideas. M is for Money uses snappy rhymes and expository text More →

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