Frog and Friends

Part of the I Am A Reader! series Frog and Friends is a subseries for children in first and second grades. Welcome to Frog and his world. He enjoys nothing better than spending time floating in his pond or visiting with his friends. He appreciates the simpler things in life and would prefer that things stay just the way they are--nice and peaceful. Frog's friends include Rabbit, Possum, Raccoon, and Squirrel.

Title   ATOS
Frog and Friends 2.2
Frog and Friends Celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Eve 2.5
Frog Saves the Day 2.3
Frog's Flying Adventure 2.0
Frog's Lucky Day 2.2
Outdoor Surprises 2.3
Party at the Pond 2.2
The Best Summer Ever 2.1