Editorial Review

School Library Journal - K is for Kindergarten

Cover: K is for Kindergarten

The alphabet frames this collection of activities for kindergarten, highlighting 26 (and more) words and challenges for youngsters anticipating the highlights of a school day. As rhyming verse introduces each activity, a sidebar lists Countdown and Challenge activities for more adventurous readers and their parents. Animated cartoon faces of children enjoying learning fill double-page views of the kinderworld. Bouncing balls, crayons, excited grinning faces peering out school bus windows, and plenty of books to read and instruments to play paint a picture of happy classroom experiences. Amid the expected sights, a bit of humor features the impossibility of bringing a beloved pet elephant to school. “P.S. If your elephant is too big to sit on your desk, please leave him at home!” In contrast to the subdued palette of the cover, the interior art is vibrant and active, flowing easily to draw readers from page to page. VERDICT A suggested general purchase for most libraries, this well-organized book will encourage readers to practice new words, learn through hands-on creativity, and face new challenges. A solid selection for one-on-one and small group sharing.

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K is for Kindergarten

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