Jeanine DeHoney

Jeanine DeHoney has always been a dreamer. At the age of seven she dreamed of becoming a writer, and after her stories landed in the pages of tons of notebooks, she’s grateful they’ve now landed in the pages of magazines, both mainstream and literary, online, and anthologies such as Chicken Soup for The Soul. Her children’s stories have also been published in Skipping Stones, Devozine, and Australia’s The School Magazine. Jeanine has won or has been shortlisted in several literary contests and was the 2022 Honor Award Winner for Sleeping Bear Press’s Own Voices, Own Stories Award. A former art enrichment teacher and Family Services Coordinator at a preschool learning center in the Brooklyn neighborhood where she grew up, she now lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and looks forward to being the dream keepers of both young and old, with her stories.

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