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Cover: The River that Wolves Moved: A True Tale from Yellowstone

Primary Virginia Readers’ Choice Program

Cover: Mushroom Rain

Texas Topaz Nonfiction Reading List

Cover: The Little Red Chair

The Cybils Awards

Cover: Leafy Landmarks: Travels with Trees

Eureka! Gold Non-Fiction Children's Book Award

Cover: Rollin' on Down the Line: Lady Bird Johnson's 1964 Whistle-Stop Tour for Civil Rights

Eureka! Silver Non-Fiction Children's Book Award

Cover: T is for Trails: A Hiking Alphabet

Eureka! Silver Non-Fiction Children's Book Award

Cover: The Sole Man: Jan Matzeliger's Lasting Invention

Eureka! Silver Non-Fiction Children's Book Award

Cover: Every Little Seed

Green Earth Book Award

Cover: Every Little Seed

Growing Good Kids Book Award

Cover: La Mariachi

International Latino Book Award Silver Medal